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Deadline for Swift Idol Teen is Wednesday June 19

Sign up today for Swift Idol Teen at

Too much of a good thing is an even better thing….at least when it comes to singing competitions. SVI Media is pleased to announce the addition of a 2019 Swift Idol Teen competition.

Swift Idol Teen is open to anyone in Star Valley who is 17-years-old or younger,” said Duke Dance of SVI Media. “Auditions open June 17 and will continue through June 19. It is free to enter and there is a $500 prize for the winner.”

“If you auditioned for Swift Idol already, that’s fine,” Dance continued. “You can still audition for Swift Idol Teen.”

The Swift Idol Teen competition will take place on Saturday, June 29 during the Freedom Festival in Afton. There will be six contestants and two rounds of competition. Judges will pick the winners.

Swift Idol Teen brings us back to our roots,” Dance said. “We started this whole thing a few years ago at the Summer Craze in Afton with a $500 prize. This competition focuses entirely on local talent. Through the years we have seen some incredible young musicians who have auditioned for the regular Swift Idol. We wanted to give them a chance to showcase what it is that they can do by adding another performance option.”

“We are excited to see how this event continues to grow and develop,” Dance continued.

The 2019 Swift Idol Teen competition will be broadcast live on

For additional details on Swift Idol Teen, the auditions or performance, visit

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