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Options you have for health insurances with open enrollment ongoing

It’s that time of year and it’s not just the holiday season, it is time to pick your health plans for 2021.

Kendall Erickson from Sharp Insurance says one change people may want to be aware of is a new company that came onto the Health Exchange offered by the federal government called Mountain Health Co-op.

“Also known as Montana Co-op,” Erickson said. “Because they were in Montana and Idaho and now they’re just going to add Wyoming in there.”

So there will be companies to choose from in the exchange in both Blue Cross Blue Shield and Mountain Health Co-op.

“I think it’s a good thing that Blue Cross is not the only option for people,” Erickson said. “There might be a reason you choose one plan over the other, maybe better coverage, maybe a better rate.”

He says another thing to be aware of is the federal government changes the poverty levels every year which is what determines if you are eligible to receive the tax credit subsidy. He also says the last day you can enroll in the health exchange is December 15.

There are some different deadlines for Medicare, however. Erickson says specifically the Part D the prescription drug plan has open enrollment until Monday. He says if you like your plan you can just let it renew automatically, but if you want to make changes you have until that day.

He also says he is willing to help anyone find the plan that will work for them and to contact him if you have questions.

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