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ATV Riding Tips Every Beginner Should Know

ATV Riding Tips Every Beginner Should Know

ATVs are the perfect accessory for the thrill-seekers in your life. For this reason, you should consider adding one of these vehicles to your holiday gift list. If you give it to someone you’re close with, maybe they’ll let you ride it from time to time. However, make sure that this lucky recipient knows that with this present comes great responsibility. Here are some ATV riding tips that every beginner should know.


It’d be helpful if you followed ATV track maintenance guidelines before hopping on. You have to ensure that everything’s running smoothly so that you don’t get into an accident later on. Here are some must-know things to do before starting your adventure:

  • Clean the vehicle to ensure that no debris gets in the way of the track.
  • Lubricate the moving parts.
  • Replace anything that’s damaged so that nothing breaks during a ride.

Safety Is Key

Another ATV riding tip every beginner should know is that safety is vital. It’d help if you gathered the appropriate gear before hitting the slopes to avoid injury. Make sure to buy a top-of-the-line helmet in case the worst happens. It’s also essential to get durable gloves and goggles to protect yourself from the wind. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Don’t Be a Daredevil

Riding an ATV isn’t the time to be Evil Kanevil. In fact, you should always go slower when first starting out because you don’t know what you’re doing. Don’t start speeding up or trying cool tricks until you’ve received the proper training. Also, make sure to buckle up and feel as secure as possible so that you’re protected.

Everyone wants to get out of their house this winter. Luckily, riding an ATV is the perfect social distance activity. Still, you have to put your safety first. Follow these tips until you become a pro so that you don’t get hurt while doing something you love—2020 has been stressful enough as it is.

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