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Be sure to put your library on the list of things to do in 2021

By Richard Landreth
Director, Lincoln County Library System


As we close out 2020 we look back and can only think of one thing, COVID-19!

Masks, social distancing, limited traveling…. this list could go on for quite some time. However, I’m not one for looking behind me and saying “Coulda… shoulda” let’s be optimistic and look forward to what 2021 has to offer.

First of all, if you are a follower of the Chinese zodiac calendar then you will be extremely happy to learn that 2021 is the year of the Metal Ox. The Metal Ox year starts on February 12, 2021, so we have a little of the Metal Rat to get through yet. According to legend, what was happening in the Rat year continues into the Ox year for completion and resolution. That is a great prediction for all of us looking for a better 2021!

Next, the United Nations has proclaimed 2021 the “International Year of Peace and Trust.” The intention of this resolution is to encourage, “…international efforts to promote peace and trust among nations on the basis of political dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation in order to build sustainable peace, solidarity and harmony.”

As the world wrangles the COVID-19 virus into submission, it also sets up 2021 to accomplish the goal for this resolution as dialogue, understanding and cooperation are the cornerstones of peace.

The United Nations has also proclaimed 2021 the “International Year of Fruits and Vegetables.” This resolution was designed to highlight the importance of fruits and vegetables in the role of human nutrition. In a December 2020 statement the UN Secretary General stated that even though humans know the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, “… we do not consume enough of them.” My theory on this: if my mother and the Secretary General says to eat more fruits and vegetables, I’d better do as told this one time!

Finally, Tokyo is going to do the most amazing thing in 2021, host the Games of the XXXII Olympiad, better known as the 2020 Summer Olympics! I look forward to enjoying the summer Olympics every 4 years and was a little discombobulated when they were canceled. Starting on the 23rd of July the world meets to compete in archery, swimming, basketball, baseball, canoeing, equestrian, soccer, golf, sailing, tennis, volleyball, and wrestling (just to name a few)! The world is ready for this!

There is a lot to look forward to in the coming year, be it ox, peace, having to eat more fruits and vegetables or enjoying sport! Here at the Lincoln County Library System we wish everyone a happy, prosperous and wonderful 2021.

See you at the Library!

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