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Snake River Skydiving Wyoming to hold event at Afton Airport July 16-18

Snake River Skydiving Wyoming is holding a tandem skydiving event at the Afton Airport July 16th through the 18th.

Founder of the company, Carol Jones, says her and her husband used to run businesses that took people on these high sky adventures. They retired from that and moved to Wyoming and then people quickly found out about their special expertise.

“We were asked two years ago if we could put on a tandem skydiving event which as held in Alpine,” Jones said. “And it was a huge success. I thought we’d have maybe 50 or 60 people show up and we did over 120 tandem skydives in two-and-a-half days.”

The COVID pandemic prevented the event from happening again last year, but they decided they wanted to try and have it again this year, but move it to the Afton Airport.

“It has, again, been enthusiastically received,” Jones said. “A lot of people have skydiving on their bucket list and it’s so cool that for the residents from Star Valley, Jackson, and even over to Idaho that they can kind of do it in their own backyard.”

She says the views are incredible as well. When you go skydiving you get a view of the Tetons and she says you get to intake all the beauty of Star Valley.

“Also all the little back country lakes that most people, unless they have an airplane, they don’t get to ever see that,” Jones said. “Because there are no roads to get back into those areas. So, it really is a flight-seeing trip as well as a skydive.”

She also says this is a fundraiser for Lucky’s Place as Snake River will donate $10 for every skydive out what the customer pays to the Animal Humane Association. It is also asking for people to bring canned and dried cat and dog food that it will give as well.

She says that you will show up and you will fill out some paper work and then your instructor will get you fitted for the tandem equipment you will wear. The instructor will have the parachute and eventually you’ll be securely attached to them.

“The first 45 seconds or so is pretty overwhelming, especially just getting out the door, it’s kind of breathtaking as your hurtling to the ground at 120 miles-an-hour,” Jones said. “But then once the parachute opens it’s a completely different experience.

“It’s quiet, it’s surreal, it feels like you’re just floating in the air, and you’re still about a mile above the ground. So, you have plenty of opportunity to look around.”

She says it is best to make a reservation as if you just show up there likely will be bookings that will be honored first and so you could be in for a bit of wait if you go that route. They will be set up in the field between airport and the Sinclair gas station. You can make a reservation by calling or texting her at 307-413-6216 or email her at

She also says this will be an event for the community even if you do not go up. There will be face painting for the kids, food vendors, and there will be a lot of visual activity with 40-50 experts going up and down taking people tandem skydiving.

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