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Why Having a Fascination With Dinosaurs Is Beneficial

Why Having a Fascination With Dinosaurs Is Beneficial

Simply put, kids love dinosaurs. We all know a kid who can rattle off “therizinosaurus” and tell you precisely what that dinosaur looked like, where they lived, and in what period they appeared. Why does an interest in dinosaurs seem to sprout up no matter what generation?

Let’s explore why having a fascination with dinosaurs is beneficial.

Intense Interest

The pure and passionate adoration for all dinosaurs has a name, “intense interest.” This name isn’t only for dinosaur obsessions. Most children will see the obsession fade after six, but some parents observe the fixation stick around. A third of kids will develop an “intense interest” in their lifetime, whether for tractors, sharks, or astronomy.

Enriches Their Lives

These types of interests improve attention, enhance complex learning and processing of information, and enhance perseverance. These are also known as “conceptual interests,” and they differ from situational interests. If a child hears a dinosaur roar, they are only interested in it for that moment. If the child is interested in dinosaurs as a whole, that’s conceptual.

Linguistic Skills

A dinosaur obsession also is proven to enhance language skills, and it’s a good indication of high awareness. The way your child studies dinosaurs enhances their strategic skills when facing new situations and problems throughout their life.

Side Note

These obsessions form without the influence of a parent’s interest.

Interests Fade Out

Most children weren’t entering school with the same obsession they had when they were younger. The intense interests seem to fade away between six months to three years. The reason behind this is kids have less time to devote to their interests. They now have to focus on schoolwork and the general knowledge they learn at school.

Classmates and friends influence this too because a child is less likely to discuss their passions with someone who doesn’t share the interest.

Embrace your child’s intense interest because it makes them a better learner and a more intelligent kid. There are more advantages to those dinosaur action figures than you thought.

The Wyoming Dinosaur Center is a fantastic place to visit with your dinosaur-loving enthusiast. And remember to keep encouraging your child to explore their interests because having a fascination with dinosaurs is beneficial.

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