◆ Approximately 800 students from 58 FFA chapters across the state attended CPC and FIRE.
By Irrissa Guyett
Reporter, Star Valley FFA
Star Valley FFA had 14 members and officers attend FIRE and 2 delegates attend CPC this year, which took place on November 19-20 in Casper.
The members that attended FIRE included Madison Carey, Trista Wellard, Creek Thomason, Kellie Meekins, Cashlee Hepworth, Braydon Clark, Fallon Harris, Boen Peterson, Allie Kopcho, Ashton Aitken, Callie Imeson, Keston Johnson, and Payton Larson.
The two delegates that attended CPC, Chapter Presidents Conference, were Madison Carey and Payton Larson.
Approximately 800 students from 58 chapters all across the state attended these events.
FIRE is a conference focused on growing leadership skills through workshops. Guest speaker Kelly Barnes did a presentation based around the motto “Be to get, then someday you get to be.” This sends the message that if you work hard, you can achieve your dreams.
They also had a hypnotist, Dr. Al Snyder, host a show as well.
CPC is when two representatives from each chapter are sent to work through the Wyoming FFA Association’s delegate process. This includes bringing forth amendments or adjustments to the Association constitution, bylaws, and competitive event rules. Some workshops that were done at CPC included drone agriculture, state fair, scholarships, and Casper college.