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Wyoming Legislative Update from the Wyoming Business Alliance

The Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Committee began its interim work during its meeting in Lander on May 30th and 31st. The committee had a busy agenda that covered a wide variety of topics including Regulatory Reform, Electric Utilities, and the Telecommunications Act.

Watch the May 30th AM Testimony

Watch the May 30th PM Testimony

Watch the May 31st AM Testimony

Watch the May 31st PM Testimony

Regulatory Reform

The Corporations Committee received testimony from the Legislative Service Office and the Governor’s Office on regulatory reform and the possibility of setting up some type of regulatory sandbox program in Wyoming that would potentially find and fix regulatory barriers that new businesses experience.

The Committee also briefly talked about the recent creation of a Regulatory Reduction Task Force which will hold its first meeting on June 19th. WBA President Cindy DeLancey is a member of that Task Force and we look forward to seeing their recommendations.

Reference Materials:

·     LSO-Memo-General Regulatory Sandboxes

Electric Utilities

The Corporations Committee heard testimony from the Public Service Commission, the Office of Consumer Advocate, Rocky Mountain Power, the Wyoming Rural Electric Association, Basin Electric, and Black Hills Energy to help educate the Committee on how electric utilities in Wyoming operate, how they are regulated, how consumers are charged for utilities, federal regulation issues, and more.

Reference Materials:

·     PSC Presentation

·     OCA Presentation

·     RMP Slides

·     BHE Presentation

Telecommunications Act

The Corporations Committee received testimony from the Public Service Commission, Lumen, Union Wireless, Range, and others educating the Committee on the Telecommunications Act and telecommunications regulation in Wyoming.

Reference Materials:

·     PSC Telecommunications Regulations

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