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Cutter Racers host second event of the season

Fans can expect seven races and a visit from Santa.

“We’ve had some good traditions going on with the chariot races for 45 to 50 years.” Steve Newman

The American Cutter Racing Club is hosting their second event of the season this Saturday, December 23, on the tracks at 1489 Allred Road in Afton, where races begin at 1 p.m. Teams are gathering from Wyoming and Idaho for this event.  

“We are all kind of planning for a big Christmas deal,” shared Steve Newman, who represents the club, in an interview with SVI Media on Monday. “Santa Claus is invited, and he going to give out some candy bags for the kids. We’ll have kids races throughout the day and they will also get prizes.” 

The weather for last weekend’s event was chilly, but warmer temperatures are expected near 35 degrees this Saturday.  “We’re hoping for a good warm day to have Santa Claus come and visit us and give the kids some candy.”

Admission is $5 for individuals 15 and older. Everyone 14 and younger is admitted free of charge.   

“Bring your kids out and watch a good horse race. We’ve had some good traditions going on with the chariot races for 45 to 50 years. Besides that, we have the tradition of that good Old Saint Nick coming to visit the kids.”


American Cutter Racing in Afton follows traditions established over 50 years ago and continues to share those each season.  Photos by Patti Wagner 

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