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Senator Lummis cosponsoring bill requiring AM radios in every car

From ranchers driving their tractor across their property to truckers traversing I-80, AM radio brings information and entertainment to people throughout the Cowboy State. In many corners of Wyoming, AM radio is the only window to the outside world for news, sports and emergency alerts.

Coastal elites who design electric vehicles once again fail to understand our way of life in Wyoming. Recently, EV makers have been eliminating AM radio from their cars, limiting listening options and jeopardizing public safety.

It is critical that we protect AM radio and that is why I have joined U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in cosponsoring the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act which would direct the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to require automakers to maintain AM broadcast radio in their new vehicles.

This bill would direct the NHTSA to issue a rule that requires automakers to maintain AM broadcast radio in their vehicles without a separate or additional payment, fee or surcharge.

The legislation is supported by a bipartisan coalition of 60 senators and 246 members in the House of Representatives. I look forward to the Senate taking up this bill and safeguarding the people of Wyoming’s access to diverse and life-saving information.

In Wyoming and rural areas throughout the west, AM radio is critical and sometimes the only means of mass communication. We must safeguard AM radio.

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