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Independent Notes: Numerous awards and honors for staff and students of Lincoln 2.


Over the years, I have been repeatedly impressed with the continual accomplishments from the Star Valley and Cokeville Schools—what I call Lincoln 2. They place high in the areas tested, receive top ratings in music and art, while bringing home endless championship trophies in athletics. Here are just a small sampling of the success as noted for the LCSD2 school board at a May meeting.

Adam Guild—2024 National High School Heart of the Arts award

Katie Roberts/Julie Lewis—Leading Chapter Award at State Speech

Ty Draney—Coach of the Year, national nominee with NFHS Coaches of the Year

Ballard Johnson—National nominee with NFHS Coaches of the Year

McKay Young—Nationally Published

Kelly Merritt—Broyles Award

Matt Shumway—4A West Coach of the Year

Eddie Clark—Over 600 dual wins

There are numerous others who help and support our kids.

Average GPA’s 3.1 to 3.8 for the activities of Cross Country, Golf, Marching Band, Brave Cadettes, Volleyball, Football, Drama, Cheer, State Music, Basketball, Speech and Wrestling.

There will be more at Graduation!

Let us know what you think!