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LCSD No. 2 students maintain high scores on WY-TOPP


• Local students out-paced others throughout the state.

Lincoln County School District No. 2 students demonstrated notable academic gains in the 2024 WY-TOPP exams administered in the last quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Students at various grade levels take the WY-TOPP exams each spring to track growth and to identify weaknesses.

In an interview on the SVI Radio Network last week, LCSD No. 2 Superintendent Matt Erickson said, “It’s an exciting time of year,” referring to springtime in the schools.  “We wrap up another school year and celebrate all the many great things that have happened and are happening.”

WY-TOPP results were available to the district in May, showing that LCSD No. 2 students consistently out-pace other students throughout the state.

“Our students performed really, really well,” Erickson said. “We’ve been concentrating on math at the secondary level, and looking at the results, Star Valley Middle School 7th grade and our freshman at Star Valley High,” experienced some “great, great growth. The bottom line is that we are having the desired effect.”

Erickson expressed pride in the work of teachers and support staff members who consistently and effectively give students the tools they need to score well and succeed on standardized tests.

“Sometimes we get a little bit confused in rural Wyoming that maybe school is more about athletics and different things than it is about academics, but our number one priority is academics and students finding success at the next level,” he said. “We outpaced the state again with proficiency and advanced performance. Achievement is just off the charts this year. We’re super proud of our teachers and families and students. There are so many good things happening and we’re obviously not without our challenges as a school district, but we are so blessed with the students and the families we have here.”

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