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Travelers dealing with jam-packed Snake River Canyon

Cars are lined up as far as the camera can see headed up the Snake River Canyon as of 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning, June 11. (WYDOT IMAGE)

With the collapse of the roadway on Wyoming Highway 22 over the weekend, commuters from Driggs, Idaho and other communities who relied on the route to make their way to Jackson, Wyoming for work are now left with no other option but to travel through the Alpine junction to reach their destination.

Traffic is lined up from across the river as regional travelers converge in Alpine. (WYDOT IMAGE)

In an audio interview with WYDOT Director Darrin Westby, SVI learned that the added traffic combined with the summer tourist crowd headed to Grand Teton National and Yellowstone Parks are anticipated to crowd the Snake River Canyon with 5-8,000 cars until the roadway can be repaired.

Westby asked for patience from area travelers as WYDOT works to solve the problem. Wyoming Governor, Mark Gordon, declared an emergency as federal funds will be unlocked to fix the road. “I recognize the significant impacts this closure has to Teton County residents, regional commuters and the local economy,” Gordon said.

Area residents who make the commute for work have reported delays of 45 minutes to more than an hour of additional time to their typical drive.


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