• Hot week in Star Valley falls just below daily record temps.
The middle of July has turned up the heat in Star Valley, with temperatures nearing daily records. While close, the record temperatures in Afton were not broken last week, according to the National Weather Service.
The hottest day of the week was Friday when Afton reported a high temperature of 91 degrees. However, that fell just one degree shy of the July 12 record, which was recorded as 92 degrees in 2002. Saturday’s high temperature topped off officially at 90 degrees, again one degree shy of the record, which was set at 91 for July 13 back in 1990. The National Weather Service reports a high temperature of 88 degrees this past Thursday, which was once again shy of the 91 degree record set for the 11th of July, also back in the hot summer of 2002. The hottest temperature ever recorded in Afton was also during July of 2002, when the mercury maxed out at 97 degrees on the 15th day of the month.
The NSW’s Bedford weather station also saw near record daily temperatures, but with no records being tied or broken. Official temperatures reported by the weather service include a high of 89 on Thursday (record set at 90 in 2002), a high of 88 on Friday (record of 89 set in 2005) and a high of 89 on Friday (record of 92 in 2005).
The Afton and Bedford weather stations are the only stations reported on by the National Weather Service.