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Woman pleads guilty to driving 127 mph through Grand Teton National Park


JACKSON (WNE) — While crowds huddled in Grand Teton National Park to view the aurora borealis May 10, a 58-year-old Jackson woman drove through at speeds reaching 127 mph, striking and killing an elk along the way.

Robin Thoenig, 58, of Jackson, pleaded guilty to reckless driving, speeding, failing to notify authorities of a motor vehicle accident and violating the law by removing a motor vehicle from the scene of an accident. One count of failing to maintain control of a motor vehicle to the degree necessary to avoid danger was dismissed. Thoenig did not return a request for comment.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Wyoming, the charges stem from 9:30 p.m. May 10, when Thoenig drove through Grand Teton as fast as 127 mph in areas where the speed limit is 45 mph at night.

“While doing so, Thoenig struck and killed an elk, then drove her vehicle several miles from the scene, left it near the Gros Ventre Campground and obtained a ride out of the park,” according to a press release issued by the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Court documents state that at her initial appearance on July 30, Thoenig waived the right to an attorney and pleaded guilty to four charges. She was sentenced to three days of incarceration. Magistrate Judge Stephanie Hambrick also ordered Thoenig to pay a $750 community service payment, $1,000 in fines and $70 in mandatory court costs.

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