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Thayne family wins groceries for a year

The Mike and Wendy Kennedy family won $5,200 in grocery money from the Broulim’s in Thayne after entering the “Seven Steaks of Summer” contest that Broulim’s offered through the summer months. COURTESY PHOTO


• $5,200 in gift cards will feed the family of seven for many months.

Wendy Kennedy took a phone call last week that entirely changed the bottom line of her family’s grocery budget. The Thayne Family of seven won $5200.00 towards their grocery bills this year through Broulim’s in Thayne by entering the Seven Steaks of Summer contest.

As she took the call, she learned that Thayne Broulim’s Store Director, Kyle Dickey was calling. He asked how she was doing and she, of course, responded, “OK,” but never expected his response. “Well, I’m about to make your day even better.”

Dickey informed her that her family had won the drawing for the Broulim’s Seven Steaks of Summer Contest, which is offered by Broulim’s as an opportunity for patrons to try seven different cuts of Certified Angus Beef steaks. Each cut is promoted at a sale price during a specific week of the summer, and patrons who purchase that steak during the sale week are entered in a drawing to win a year’s worth of groceries.

“I think we bought the steaks two or three weeks out of the seven weeks and that was all we did,” said Wendy in an interview with SVI Media on Monday. Thinking back, Wendy believes that she and her husband, Mike, purchased the New York Strip steaks and the T-bone steaks.

“I forgot all about it and it was done and over with when Kyle called me,” she said with surprise still evident in her voice as she shared the feelings she and her family are experiencing. Dickey scheduled an appointment with the family where he and Broulim’s Corporate Social Media Manager, Cam Myers, presented them with a giant check decorated with balloons, a dozen bakery donuts and the 13 gift cards that the family will use to purchase their groceries for the coming year.

With the current price of goods, feeding a family that consists of a 14-year-old and two younger sets of twins requires a little magic. “It was a very generous gift.” Wendy concluded with deep gratitude and a wide smile. “The kids are totally shocked. They think it’s so cool.”

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