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Rain, snow slow Fish Creek Fire growth


JACKSON (WNE) — Rain, snow and high humidity levels have slowed the Fish Creek Fire burning southwest of Togwotee Pass.

The lightning-caused fire was last reported at 24,904 acres. Four-hundred and thirty-seven total personnel were working on the fire, including 16 engines and two helicopters.

The number of resources needed to fight the fire continues to drop daily, said Cecile Stelter, a public information officer assigned to the fire.

“As late as last weekend, there were five helicopters assigned to this incident,” Stelter said Friday afternoon. “As of today, there are two, because three helicopters were released to higher priority incidents. But our resources felt very comfortable with coverage on this incident with two helicopters.”

Resource levels continue to depend on fire behavior.

Fremont County decreased the Level 3 evacuation order to Level 2 for the Brooks Lake, Pinnacle and Breccia areas. Level 2 is “Set” on a scale of the “Ready, Set, Go.” Level 2 means residents should still be ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice.

Officials are advising residents to monitor the situation, as evacuation levels could rise again if conditions worsen.

Air quality also improved with the rain and incoming cold front; however, smoke is expected to continue to impact the Highway 26/287 corridor and immediate area around the fire. Air quality levels could be especially poor in low-lying drainages.

Although Highway 26/287 is open, a 45 mile-per-hour speed restriction is in place for the fire area due to smoke and limited visibility.

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