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Dan Dockstader

Star Valley Art Trail will be an annual event

◆ Plans and registrations for 2023 underway. Artists lined Afton’s main street on Saturday, July 16, all a part of a new summer tradition — Star Valley Art Trail. The four-hour event, featuring visual and performing arts, was staged at…

LVE has lowest rates in the nation

Lower Valley Energy has the lowest rates in the nation, according to a report presented at the co-op’s annual meeting June 30. “According to our bank, Cooperative Finance Corporation, we have the lowest residential rates of all the co-ops in…

Wyoming 89 reopens between Star Valley and Cokeville

Wyoming 89 has re-opened following the placement of new box culverts on the route connecting U.S. Highway 89 (Idaho 61) with U.S. 30. The Wyoming Department of Transportation reports, the project included installation of eight box culvert replacements. The highway…

Greys River deer migration continues on time, every year

It’s a tradition every spring — Wyoming Mule Deer leave their winter ranges around LaBarge and Evanston and make their way back to their summer range on the Greys River and Salt River Mountain Range where new fawns are born….

Graduation ceremonies for area high schools

Star Valley High School will hold graduation for the Class of 2022, Tuesday, May 24, at 7 p.m. on the SVHS football field. The guest speaker will be science teacher Mark Nethercott. Cokeville High graduation will be Wednesday, May 25,…

WYDOT working on Etna North, Thayne delayed until 2028

• Additional plans include Grover Corner and Strawberry Road intersection – Construction has resumed on Star Valley’s main thoroughfare, U.S. Highway 89. Started in the summer of 2021, the five-lane Etna North project opened again in May of 2022 with…

Afton improves water line along U.S. Highway 89

The Town of Afton is going through water system improvements on the north end of the community, along U.S. Highway 89. “This is part of the North Afton Extension Project,” explained Afton Town Administrator Violet Sanderson. “We’re replacing a shallow…

Lincoln County Treasurer provides guide on tax dollar expenditures

Lincoln County Treasurer Jerry Greenfield reports his office has received inquiries as to how tax dollars are directed. Greenfield offered the following summery to SVI Media: “As your County Treasurer I have received comments, ‘as to the county needs to…

Legislature prepares for 2023 session

◆ Legislature closes in March, new meetings start in April. Within weeks of closing the Wyoming Legislature’s 66th session, two committee meetings will be held in April in preparation for the 67th session scheduled to start in January of 2023….

Osmond and Afton Elementary schools set to expand

Contracts have been signed for classroom additions to the Afton and Osmond Elementary schools. Both schools have shown significant student growth in recent years as the population increases in Star Valley. Acknowledging construction supply challenges, Lincoln County School District No….