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Dan Dockstader

Independent Notes: Dropping a blade and cutting back willows could improve a strained working relationship. 

  I thought Wyoming was having all the fun with the federal government and the associated federal agencies. Wyoming’s challenges are  generally  related to our valuable energy resources, something that “picks up the tab” for schools, roads, local governments and…

Wyoming’s D.C. delegation report

  • Hageman and Lummis address postal plans, Barrasso speaks to high prices.    Both U.S. Rep. Harriet Hageman and U.S. Sen. Cynthia Lummis are encouraging public involvement in the mail programs for Wyoming, While Sen. Barrasso speaks from the…

Greys River Collaborative returns with new focus on Grover Park

• Past work includes timber sale, Grover Park eyed for future. The Greys River Collaborative is returning to work, bringing  local leaders from the  county and state together with federal agencies to plan for the future of Greys River country. The…

Lincoln County launches transportation plan

  • Road networks, cars, trucks, bikes and walking all part of the plan. “We’re kicking off a Lincoln County Transportation plan and will be working on it through July of next year,”  Thomas McMurtry of Avenue Consultants told SVI…

Alpine addressing constant growth

  • ‘We want to do what is best for Alpine.” As he acknowledged two major hotel projects, one complete  within the community and the other underway at a major highway intersection, Alpine Mayor Erick Green noted the constant growth…

Independent Notes: Elected office is not a glory job. It’s about work!

  First of all, I thank all those who have taken an interest in serving. It’s Election time — whoever wins whatever office they are seeking –I simply ask that they “pack the water” for our schools, towns, county and…

New star above Afton lit, Scherbel reflects

  • ‘Many cities have monuments … the Star reflects the humble nature of pioneers who settled Star Valley.’ After two years of work, the Star on the hill east of the community went through a lighting ceremony at the…

Congressional staffers visit Lincoln County

  Congressional staffs from the office of U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators toured Southwest Wyoming this week as part of an effort to help the Washington D.C. based operations better understand Wyoming. Lincoln County Commission Chairman Kent Connelly was among…

Property taxes – Money sent to schools, towns and districts

  How are the property taxes in Lincoln County distributed? Based on yearly figures, July of 2023 to June of 2024, a total of 68,876,605.78 was collected. The largest portion goes to education with Lincoln County School District No. 2…

Independent Notes: Re-living history.

  On the way into Kemmerer to greet the Big Boy steam engine last week, I was amazed at the number of people lined up along U.S. 30 with cameras (phones) in hand all wanting their own photo of the…