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TEXT-IN TOPIC: Okay to taste small samples before buying at the grocery store?

The Wednesday morning Text-in Topic during the Weekday Wake-up was centered around what is morally wrong or not wrong while shopping for groceries. Duke & Dahl asked “Is it okay to taste test small samples of food before buying them…

TEXT-IN TOPIC: Best place to snowmobile? Here are listener’s answers.

This morning’s Text-in Topic during the Weekday Wake-up was fitting with the recent fresh snowfall in western Wyoming.  Today Duke & Dahl asked listeners where their favorite places to snowmobile are.  While some were reluctant to share their prime location,…

DO NOT PLAYLIST: Worst Church Singer

Duke & Dahl once again added a song to the “Do Not Playlist” Tuesday morning as part of a New Music Tuesday on the SVI Radio Network. New to the playlist this week on Swift 98 is a song titled…

National Anthem Blunder? Fergie draws criticism for All Star Game performance

The 2018 NBA All Star Week concluded Sunday with the annual All Star game.  But the focus on social media has been less about the game and more about the performance of the National Anthem. Some have said they enjoyed…

MUST WATCH: Lightning storm in Australia

Star Valley experiences it’s fair share of large mountain thunderstorms, especially in the late summer.  But this lightning show in Queensland, Australia is like nothing ever seen in western Wyoming. Watch as huge streaks of lightning tear across the night…

KICK IT OR KEEP IT: “Baby I Love You” by Ryan Adams

A new song with an old feel is up for debate on SVI Radio’s weekly Kick It or Keep It segment during the Weekday Wake-up. Ryan Adam’s new song “Baby I Love You” was released on iTunes, Friday February 14. …

MUST WATCH: BYU Vocal Point “Greatest Showman” mashup video

The Greatest Showman has grossed over $319 million worldwide and the musical film starring Hugh Jackman has many fans in Star Valley. Swift 98 has added three songs from the movie’s soundtrack to it’s library including “This is Me,” “Rewrite the…

Idaho School Was Locked-Down Because of Rampaging Bull

Burley High School in southern Idaho was put on lock-down for 15 minutes Tuesday because of an angry bull on campus. The Idaho State Journal reports that the Black Angus bull escaped from a livestock auction in Burley and began rampaging…

Donkey Basketball Returns to Star Valley this April

Shooting baskets from the back of burro hasn’t happened in Star Valley since the days of the old high school. That is about to change. Star Valley High School is once again working on an event that would bring Donkey…

TEXT-IN TOPIC: Should girls have to say “Yes” when asked to Dance in school?

A Utah mom is upset about a school policy in which sixth grade girls can’t say “no” when boys ask them to dance. The mom says it sends the wrong message to the young students. Natalie Richard said she didn’t…