Latest Trump administration action on religious freedom shrinks the distance between church and state
Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News The Trump administration has shown where it stands on church-state separation, encouraging deeper ties between government agencies and faith communities in an Oct. 6 memo on religious liberty law. Throughout the document, Attorney General Jeff Sessions…
Governor pleased with plans to rescind Clean Power Plan
Governor Matt Mead voiced his support of the initial step taken by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tuesday, Oct. 10, to rescind the Clean Power Plan (CPP). EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt signed the notice of proposed rulemaking which formally begins…
(Video) – Dan Jeske with Star Valley Medical Center Therapy Services
Dan Dockstader caught up with Dan Jeske of Star Valley Medical Center Therapy Services and detailed some of the ways that his department can help residents in the area.
U.S. House passes ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy
The House of Representatives passed legislation Tuesday that would criminalize abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with exceptions for instances where the life of the mother is at risk and in cases involving rape or incest. The bill passed the…