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Avalanche infrastructure maintenance will cause traffic delays in Hoback Canyon

Jackson, Wyo. –The Wyoming Department of Transportation would like to inform drivers that WYDOT crews will be performing some maintenance on some avalanche infrastructure in the Hoback Canyon tomorrow, Feb. 18, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. The work will…

Wyoming 511 travel website sees more than 2 billion hits in 2022

CHEYENNE (WNE) — The Wyoming Department of Transportation’s 511 travel website,, registered about 2.2 billion site visits in 2022. “This is by far the most hits in a calendar year since the department started tracking them,” Vince Garcia, program manager…

WYDOT adjusts snow response

SHERIDAN (WNE) — Back-to-back storms impacting the entire state has caused Wyoming Department of Transportation snow crews to restructure how they approach clearing roads. WYDOT Assistant Chief Engineer for Operations Tom DeHoff told the Wyoming Transportation Commission Thursday maintenance crews…

WYDOT announces automated VSL pilot program

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The Wyoming Department of Transportation is announcing an innovative pilot program to semi-automate Variable Speed Limit signs this winter in an effort to increase safety and to accommodate for Wyoming’s quickly-changing weather conditions. Typically, VSL changes are prompted by…

WYDOT will be striping in Jackson area

Jackson, Wyo.  The Wyoming Department of Transportation, along with contract crews from S & L Industrial will be striping roads this week on WYO 22 during the day and in the town of Jackson, possibly during nighttime hours.  Crews began…

Housing for state troopers, plow drivers clears hurdle

JACKSON (WNE) — Housing that will be primarily for state troopers and snow plow operators is moving forward. Teton County commissioners on Tuesday unanimously approved a preliminary application from the Wyoming Department of Transportation to build housing for its employees…

Two lanes prepped for Etna to Alpine winter season

◆ Grover Corner and South End planned for coming year. Paving is scheduled to start Sept. 12 on two full lanes between Etna and Alpine. The lanes have been prepared with a Full Depth Reclamation (FDS) process in preparation for…

WYDOT’s 2023 STIP now available for comment                   

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The Wyoming Department of Transportation is seeking public comment and review of its 2023 transportation improvement planning document. WYDOT’s draft 2023 State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) is available at on the department’s website. People can navigate…

Governor’s fuel prices group focuses on refinery capacity

By Carrie Haderlie Wyoming Tribune Eagle Via- Wyoming News Exchange CHEYENNE — The best way to bring down high gas costs in Wyoming would be to secure a long-term fuel supply within the state, one industry insider told stakeholders Friday….

Flooding forces closure, evacuation of Yellowstone

By Mark Davis and Kevin Killough Powell Tribune Via- Wyoming News Exchange POWELL — Unprecedented rain, combined with fast melting late season snow, has flooded nearby communities and forced the closure and evacuation of Yellowstone National Park and nearby attractions….