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Wyoming Game and Fish Department

Number of bears killed around Yellowstone drops

By Mark Davis, Powell Tribune Via-  Wyoming News Exchange POWELL — The rate at which grizzly bears have been “lethally removed” by wildlife managers in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem has dropped significantly this year.  Through mid-August, nine grizzlies have been…

Feds to start weaning elk from feeding at refuge

By Mike Koshmrl, Jackson Hole Daily Via- Wyoming News Exchange JACKSON — Federal wildlife officials aiming to avert a lawsuit are pledging to implement a long-delayed plan to wean the National Elk Refuge’s namesake animals off of supplemental alfalfa ahead…

Game and Fish complete 2019 Palisades Mountain Goat survey

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department recently completed their 2019 Mountain Goat Parturition (Birthing) Areas study for the Palisades Herd. According to Wildlife Biologist Gary Fralick, the department spends “considerable time in late spring and early summer trying to locate…

Most agree Teton mountain goats must go

By Mike Koshmrl Jackson Hole News&Guide Via Wyoming News Exchange JACKSON — Aloft in a helicopter surveying the Tetons the other week, Aly Courtemanch again spotted mountain goats in new nooks of the range. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department…