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Area gas prices tick down but still well above the national average

  While the price of gasoline has dropped somewhat, area residents will continue to pay more than the national average and more than the state average at the pump. According to‘s survey of 494 stations in Wyoming, the average…

America’s growing political divide reaches Wyoming school boards, city councils

  • Most local offices are explicitly nonpartisan. But a growing number of candidates and political action committees are injecting politics into them anyway.   By Allison Allsop, CJ Baker, Joseph Beaudet, Jonathan Gallardo, Katie Klingsporn, Ivy Secrest and Joshua…

When electric utilities spark wildfires, how much should they have to pay victims?

  • The threat of billion-dollar class-action lawsuits bankrupting power companies has lawmakers considering a cap on claims.   By Dustin Bleizeffer, Lawmakers are scrambling to draft a bill that would restrict what wildfire victims can claim damages for…

Independent Notes: A life of service

  Saturday I invited two of my grandsons, from Wyoming and Texas to join me for the Cokeville Parade. SVI Media had a float for the event, but after making the Osmond Corner with the decorated flatbed, we must have…

Jonah Energy first oil company to earn honor for reclamation

By Zak Sonntag Casper Star-Tribune Via- Wyoming News Exchange CASPER — As fickle spring weather finally settles over the high desert landscape of the Upper Green River Basin, carpets of Western yarrow and blue Lewis flax are starting to spread…

Wyoming Symphony Orchestra Hosts Spring Fund Drive to Usher in 75th Concert Season

The Wyoming Symphony Orchestra just wrapped the 2023-2024 season with the final concert, “Passage,” but the excitement is far from over. This spring, the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra (WSO) will introduce its commemorative 75th concert season with several surprises and exciting…

Barrasso Bill to Ban Russian Uranium Imports Signed into Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement after President Biden signed into law his bipartisan legislation to ban Russian uranium imports into the United States. “Today, we officially ended Russia’s chokehold on America’s uranium supply,”…

Standoff ends, suspect dead

By The Sheridan Press staff Via- Wyoming News Exchange SHERIDAN — The suspect in the earlier shooting death of Sheridan Police Department Sgt. Nevada Krinkee is dead after more than 24 hours of negotiations.  The Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation…

Bureau of Land Management releases draft proposal to update Western Solar Plan

By Zac Sonntag Casper Star-Tribune Via- Wyoming News Exchange CASPER — The Bureau of Land Management on Wednesday released a draft proposal to update its Western Solar Plan, a strategic roadmap for solar energy development that could make as much…

2024 Alpine Winter Jubilee is this weekend

The Town of Alpine’s annual Winter Jubilee takes place this weekend, January 26 and 27, with activities, food and fun for the entire family scheduled at various locations throughout the town. “Alpine’s Winter Jubilee debuted in 2013,” said Melody Leseberg,…