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Cranney clarifies LCSD2 Foundation scholarship donation process

◆ “It’s absolutely not too late to donate.”

Ashley Cranney, administrator for the LCSD No. 2 Scholarship Foundation, spoke with SVI media this week to update the community about the current scholarship drive. The foundation kicked off its scholarship drive 5 weeks ago and has brought in $67,000 so far with an eye towards the overall goal of $200,000 this year.

The education foundation reached an all-time high last year of $103,000 collected for student scholarships.

Cranney commented, “That $67,000 is currently what’s driving the application process taking place at our Star Valley, Cokeville, and Swift Creek High Schools, so the students are very busy right now putting in for those scholarships, and those scholarships are the ones that vary according to qualification and requirement criteria.”

Cranney spent time at Star Valley High School this week, sharing information with students and letting them know it’s the last month before the applications are due.

“It is absolutely not too late to donate,” said Cranney. She has been meeting with donors who want an application process. “They want to receive the applications and get to know the recipient, and they want the award based on criteria they set.”

Cranney has been meeting with donors to set up those criteria for the scholarships. She mentioned that Phase 2 begins now, which is donations that come in for students from people they work with closely in the community. “Maybe it’s students that have job-shadowed them or students that work for them, or perhaps it’s just committed individuals in the community that are impressed with certain students. And so they’ll come forward and give their award, but it’s also a very valuable time when individuals donate any amount they can.”

“Whether it’s $10 to 10,000, and up, it doesn’t matter. It’s just any amount that you can donate,” said Cranney. “If you want criteria set to that donation, that’s when you can talk to me, or it’s simply put into a pot, and the education foundation board awards the scholarship”

Cranney explained there are a number of considerations when the foundation awards the scholarships. It might be needs-based or it could take into consideration what the student will major in.The LCSD No. 2 Education Foundation will take into account a lot of factors, and especially those students who have proven themselves in a variety of ways, but maybe haven’t received scholarships.

Cranney elaborated, “This year, we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary and whatever amount we bring in is absolutely amazing. This is our community supporting our students, but there are a lot of individuals that weren’t aware of this process.”

The foundation currently has 42 donors that have contributed to the $67,000. Twelve of those are new to the donation process. Cranney said, “We do have a lot of veteran, seasoned donors that are going to come forward because they understand the process. They understand that it’s not over right now. We just simply need to give the students time to put in for these applications.”

There are three ways donors can contribute: they can go online to and donate under the Education Foundation donate tab. Donors can also use the QR code that will continue to run in the newspaper. That QR code will allow a donor to donate any amount they choose.

Finally, donors can contact Cranney at 885-7137. Cranney said, “I love this process. I love talking with you and answering your questions, and there are still a lot of possibilities. It’s not too late. Please contact me if you’re interested.”

Cranney specified that every dollar of the donations goes to the students. “I think that’s very important that you understand. We’re here to support our students any way that we can, and we’re grateful for our community very much.”

Foundation Administrator, Ashley Cranney, 885 7137

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