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Exciting News with the KDCA Chamber of Commerce

Hometown Floral was named “Business of the Month” by Ellen Potter, Chairman of the KDCA (Kemmerer/Diamondville Community Area) Chamber of Commerce.

“One of the reasons [Hometown Floral] was chosen as business of the month is because they are really tuned into promoting their business,” Potter said. They have weekly specials, advertise well, are welcoming to their customers, and are tourist-friendly.

“Businesses in this area can strive to be more like them,” Potter said.

Hometown Floral is located at 818 Main St. around the triangle. They do floral arrangements and also have a gift and home decor shop.

Potter said the Chamber is also working on their Valentine’s Special for all of the businesses in the KDCA area.

This Valentine’s, anyone from the community can stop by the cabin at the triangle, pick up several blank hearts, write a few compliments about any of the stores in the area and paste them on the front door of that business, Potter explained.

“This is an opportunity as a community to give back to our businesses,” Potter said. “We’re hoping this will show businesses that we want them to succeed and we’re happy they are here.”

If you are interested in learning more about the KDCA Chamber of Commerce, or your business would like to become a member, visit the cabin at the triangle (open noon-4 p.m.) or call Ellen Potter at (702) 239-6001.

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