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Forest Service Leaders Celebrate Public Employees During Public Service Recognition Week

Public employees serve the American people every day

Regional Forester Frank Beum, along with the regional leadership team of the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region, ask you to join us in honor of the role public employees play in our communities and acknowledging their dedication as we recognize Public Service Recognition Week. This nationwide celebration of public employees began in 1985 and occurs annually during the first week of May to honor the numerous individuals who serve our nation and enhance each of our lives.

“I am truly grateful for all our local county, state, Tribal, and federal employees whose daily work makes a difference in our lives,” Beum said. “We rely on first responders; law enforcement officers; firefighters; volunteers; and partners who dedicate their lives to serving others. Public employees are on the front lines every day performing various jobs that serve the American people.”

Working together collaboratively across boundaries to establish priorities and collectively address challenges and opportunities is critical as the USDA Forest Service and other land management agencies continue to face urgent environmental threats such as wildfire, drought and other challenges intensified by the changing climate.

“Our success depends not only on dedicated Forest Service employees, but the agencies, partners and volunteers that share in the stewardship of our national forests and natural resources to provide for a better future. Today, I not only want to extend my appreciation for those public workers we work with directly but all public workers who enrich our lives,” Beum added.

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