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Greys River Ranger District Readies for Winter Recreation

• Wheeled Motorized Closures and Critical Wildlife Winter Range

The Bridger-Teton National Forest Greys River Ranger District, in partnership with the Wyoming State Trails Program, supports a number of winter recreation opportunities, and in some places that means changes to travelers. From December 1 through April 30, wheeled motorized vehicles are not allowed on marked or groomed routes, which protects the trail surface. This includes the Greys River Road and Smiths Fork Road and all roads accessed from them, as well as the Grover-Turnerville Road and Swift Creek Road. Snowmobilers are reminded that other recreationists may also be on these routes, including skate-skiers and dog-walkers, so keep speeds low enough to see whoever may be around the next corner, and enjoy the district’s incredible winter vistas. On Salt Pass, an area is reserved for non-motorized winter recreation on both sides of the highway, where the district grooms loop trails for skiers and snowshoe enthusiasts once accumulations are sufficient.

Several areas on the district are also designated as critical wildlife winter range by Special Orders. These areas necessary for large game animals, including mule deer, elk and moose, to find respite from deeper snow. The Star Valley Front from Swift Creek Road to the bottom of Bradshaw Canyon east of Grover is closed to all vehicles. Snowmobiles are allowed only on the designated route through the Grover Park closure area. Similarly, along the Greys River corridor, a protected wildlife area exists in the Deadman-Moose Creek area, and over-snow vehicles must remain on the designated routes through this area. Near state elk management areas just southeast of the Forest boundary outside Alpine and at Forest Park, human presence, motorized or non-motorized, is allowed only on the designated route through these areas. Violation of Special Orders are punished by federal law.

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