JACKSON (WNE) —- A California teen involved in an ATV crash Tuesday on Shadow Mountain died from a traumatic brain injury early Thursday morning at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls, according to Bonneville County, Idaho, Coroner Rick Taylor.
The Teton County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating the cause and circumstances of the crash.
Samantha Liber, 16, was driving an ATV during a guided trip with Jackson Hole Adventure Rentals at the time.
“This is our worst fear, this is something that we never would want to happen to anybody,” said Dave Walters, one of the owners of Jackson Hole Adventure Rentals.
At 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, first responders were notified of the ATV crash on Shadow Mountain, a popular recreation area in the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
The teen somehow got separated from the bigger group. She was wearing a helmet but suffered “serious head trauma,” according to a representative from Teton County Search and Rescue.
The guide has been offered leave with pay and counseling services due to the emotional impact of that afternoon, Becca Walters said.
She said the company will look at ways to make trips safer.
“We’ll always reexamine everything we do and see if there’s a way we can make it safer,” Walters said Thursday. “But she was wearing a helmet. She had a safety briefing. It was at the end of a tour, so she had done the whole thing without a problem. But we’re all processing it and trying to figure out the best way to move forward and have everything be as safe as it can be for our customers.”
“We really want to put our thoughts and condolences out to the family,” said Dave Walters. “We’re just devastated.”