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Help warm your neighbors: Coats and other winter items of all sizes will be accepted for donation next week.

Organizer Jill Mackey knows that as the cold winter months have officially hit the area, the needs of people have changed. This includes being able to stay warm.

Mackey shared that people of all ages are in need of some extra layers this year including children who have shown up to school without proper coats in the freezing temperatures.

Mackey understands how things happen with winter gear and says her family has experience with how quickly coats can get warn out, lost, torn or chewed on by pets. These winter items can be expensive to replace and many don’t have the means to do that.

Mackey has already been graciously given the extra coats from a past coat drive that was organized by the Afton Food Pantry, but more are needed. So, as you dig out your winter items from storage, grab the extras you will not need this winter and have them ready to donate.

Donations will be accepted at the Star Valley Ranch Town Hall, during regular hours from January 16-February 1.

Coat distribution, for those who need to pick up items will be February 3, from 11a.m.-1p.m. at the Town Hall located at 171 Vista Drive in Star Valley Ranch.

If you have any questions, please contact Jill at 650-224-0747.

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