The following obituaries appeared in the July 28, 2021 edition of the Star Valley Independent.
For more area obituaries, please visit Schwab Mortuary.
For more resources including headstones, please visit the Star Valley Historical Society.

Kathryn Ann Woolley Goldsberry and her twin sister were born five minutes apart, on May 28, 1971 in Provo, Utah, the fifth of ten children born to Len Roie and Myra Neves Woolley.
On July 9 2021 our Kathryn bravely underwent a very risky surgery for an extremely large brain aneurysm. A few hours later she suffered a massive stroke – and just continued sleeping. On July 12, 2021 Kathryn peacefully slipped through the veil into the loving arms of our Eternal Father.
In death, she continues helping other as she did in her life. She was an organ donor. The hospital flew the donor flag and honored her with a hero’s walk. The entire staff lined the halls of the hospital, her family walking behind her and beside her as she was wheeled away to save the lives of others.
One recipient of Kathryn’s gift was a former missionary companion of her husband, Darin. That night he was prepped to receive her life saving kidney that was flown from Boise to Texas. And her kidney is working beautifully! Kathryn’s legacy will live on with her husband and daughters. Her selfless sacrifice will live on in the lives saved by her precious gifts.
Kathryn did NOT want a traditional funeral but a Celebration of Life! The cultural hall in Twin Falls Idaho was literally filled with hundreds of family and friends, co-workers, missionary companions, children of the donor recipient, friends of friends, etc, as they gathered together to honor her, her request and her sacrifice. And to enjoy her favorite drink, Diet Pepsi with ice melted to make it flat!
Kathryn lived her childhood in Orem, Utah, Star Valley, Wyoming (Thayne) and Enosburg Falls, Vermont. She and her twin sister graduated with honors from Enosburg Falls High School. While in Vermont the sisters were asked to sing the National Anthem at all the school’s basketball games. They, along with five siblings regularly performed for the community and church functions. Kathryn and her twin sister entered college at BYU-I (formerly Ricks college).
Kathryn had a fierce desire to serve the Lord and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 1992, she was called to serve in the Illinois Chicago Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served honorably and faithfully for 18 months.
She was introduced to a tall blonde and handsome fella named Darin Goldsberry from Brigham City, Utah. It was love at first sight for both of them. On November 12, 1999 they were married, for eternity in the Bountiful Temple and began their life together in Ogden, Utah. In time three beautiful daughters were born to them.
Their family moved to Montrose, Colorado. Kathryn loved being a stay-at-home mom while her girls were growing up – then began working for the Montrose County Sheriff’s department as County Sheriff’s Deputy. Their family moved to Twin Falls, Idaho where she continued her career at the Twin Falls County Youth Detention Center. Her amazing work ethic, determination and perfect mix of tender hearted understanding, with firmness in her convictions and beliefs took her far in her career.
At the time of her death, Kathryn was a certified Supervisor for the Twin Falls County Juvenile Detention Center for troubled youth.
She had a firm testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation that families are forever! She told her mom the night before her surgery, “I know Heavenly Father has a PLAN for all of us and I know my PLAN doesn’t end tomorrow.” She died as she lived giving solace and life to those in need.
Kathryn is survived by her husband of 22 years, Darin D. Goldsberry of Twin Falls, Idaho and three daughters, Meghan Ann, Kyleigh Grace and Faythe Kathryn, her parents, Len Roie and Myra Woolley, Thayne, nine siblings, Raini Woolley Heap (Todd), Jeffrey William Woolley (Jill), Stacey Woolley Barrett (Bob), her twin sister, Samantha Woolley Corbridge (Bret), Jeremy Woolley (Teresa), Kristin Woolley, Jacob Woolley (Rachel), Rebekah Woolley Furniss (Ryan), and Jaimi Woolley Scott and many beloved nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles and friends, and all the Reid and Sherry Goldsberry family.
She was vibrant and upbeat, a force to be reckoned with. Even though our hearts are broken she would want our family to carry her torch. She has left a huge hole in all our lives. We wanted her with us just a little longer.
“God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way…”
We know that with time the good memories come easier than the sorrows….and the love never dies.

Joe Wisdom’s Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, August 14, 2021 graveside in the Smoot Cemetery at 11:00 am. With a luncheon for family to follow.
Please join us in remembering Joe’s life.