The following obituaries appeared in the March 10, 2021 edition of the Star Valley Independent.
For more area obituaries, please visit Schwab Mortuary.
For more resources including headstones, please visit the Star Valley Historical Society.
Len J. Hincks was born July 4, 1956 to James Lynn Hincks and Norma Ethel Hincks (Lindberg) in Afton, Wyoming. He was raised in Grover, Wyoming with his two older sisters Evva and Joeann. He attended school in Afton and graduated from Star Valley High School in 1974. He went on to attend Wyoming Technical Institute, and Colorado Aero Tech Certified Welding School.
He loved educating himself whether by reading books or taking classes. His intelligence was only matched by his skill as an all around tradesman. In addition to being an outstanding Airframe and Powerplant, automotive, and diesel mechanic, he built buildings, tables, stands, and anything else that could make his work easier. His attention to detail earned him a good reputation with the FAA.
He once said he was one heck of a mechanic that was wanted for his secretarial skills. In the last few years, he found another skill. He taught at the Aviation Institute of Maintenance. He was awarded Teacher of the Year his second year there. He loved teaching and helping his students learn.
He is survived by his wife and best friend, Jennifer; his nephews, Robert and Ronald; his niece, Elisa; and other family and friends. He will be missed and remembered by many. Edited for content.

Meghann Titensor, age 40, passed away March 7, 2021, in her home, surrounded by her family after a brave heart battle with breast cancer.
Meghann was born on November 20, 1980 to Jeffery Lynn and Kym Alexander Fry in Bountiful, Utah and was welcomed by an older brother, Nicholas Alexander Fry.
Meghann’s love for life and adventure began in her childhood. As a family they camped, hiked, sailed, biked, skied and enjoyed family vacations together. Meghann sang in the Choral Collections group and attended dance classes. Meghann was gifted with artistic and creative talent. Her mom would never get her art projects back as they were the ones on display at the school. Meghann graduated from Davis High School in 1999. Following that, she studied Graphic Design at Weber State and DATC.
Meghann met the love of her life and best friend, Nick Titensor, in late 2002 and immediately knew he would be the one she would marry. Meghann’s love of life and adventure matched Nick’s and they were married on May 26, 2003 in Cotton Wood Heights, Utah. They were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple on February 5, 2005. Over the last 17 years they have been blessed with seven children – Talia Leone, Alera Nicole (Ali), Jaelah June, Kysen James, Maliah Meryn, Lexa Adelynn, and Bria Andrine.
Meghann was a devoted wife and mother. She joyfully loved and served her family. You would find her running her kids to various activities, cooking delicious meals, sewing amazing costumes, creating amazing cakes and Pinterest worthy birthday parties. She was ambitious and would often employ Nick to help her carry out her ideas and projects. Together, they built Meghann’s dream home in 2017-2018. Meghann loved traveling, adventuring and vacationing with her family. They enjoyed many trips together.
Outside of family life, in recent years, Meghann had become a certified ReFit instructor and found great joy in this. She was always dancing and practicing at home. She taught ReFit classes locally and brought a contagious light and energy to those who participated.
Meghann was a beautiful, quiet soul. She was a private person and hated having attention drawn to her. Meghann possessed an inspiring, powerful faith. She was humble, kind, always positive, strong and determined beyond belief.
Meghann was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2019. She went through months of chemotherapy, radiation and multiple surgeries that she finally completed in October of 2020. She was so relieved and grateful to have finally put the “C word” behind her. She was so excited to feel well, adventure with her family, and teach her ReFit classes again. Unfortunately, only weeks later she began to have concerning symptoms. In December 2020, she received the diagnosis that the cancer had metastasized to her liver, lungs and other areas of her body. Meghann sought multiple forms of treatment. She was determined to beat it and never wavered in that faith. As her condition deteriorated she never complained. Nick tirelessly attended to her and cared for her through her last moments.
Meghann returned to our Heavenly Father in the early morning hours of March 7, 2021. She was surrounded by those she loved.
Meghann is survived by her husband, Nick Titensor and seven children, Talia, Ali, Jaelah, Kysen, Maliah, Lexa and Bria as well as her parents, Jeffery Lynn and Kym Alexander Fry and her brother, Nicholas Alexander (Andrea) Fry, maternal grandparents, Sherman Alex and Merrilyn Jackson Alexander, and her many cousins, aunts, uncles, and many members of Nick’s family who eagerly await a reunion with her.
She was preceded in death by her paternal grandparents, Robert Baxter and June Phirman Fry.

Trish Booth will be remembered for many things. She might be remembered for…
Being Deanne’s big sister and how she couldn’t say Deanne’s name when she joined the family. She called her De-Hawn. So, everybody started to call her De-Hawn and she would get upset and sternly say, “Not De-Hawn!– De-Hawn! Deanne has been lovingly referred to as De-Hawn ever since.
Or she might be remembered for taking Fred’s place as the baby of the family when she was born. This was a source of contention their whole lives. Fred was always picking on her and she would push back. I remember when she would wear brush hair rollers in her hair to get beautiful curls, Fred would walk by and push on the curlers and make the brushes dig into her head and the fight was on.
Or she might be remembered for riding her paint horse all summer long when she was a teenager. Her love for horses and all animals was an important part of her life. Growing up, at times they would have rabbits, a goat and numerous cats and dogs. But, the horses were her favorite, Buttons for one. She and Kirby had many pets over the years, Digger, Barney, the four Yorkies, Gussie, Ruger, Kimmi, and Teaka.
She might be remembered for being quite athletic and playing for the Afton Second Ward Girls volleyball and softball teams who won the stake tourneys a few times. Her love for sports continued throughout her adult life as she played outlaw volleyball and she would even cheer for Tom Brady. We can’t figure that one out! Why would anyone cheer for Tom Brady?
She will definitely be remembered by our family for the time that she sat on the edge of Mom and Dad’s bed and was holding Dad’s .22 rifle in her hands and while gazing in the mirror and admiring how cool she looked, it went off and shot a hole in the mirror. She had a lifelong love of guns and she liked to shoot squirrels even though she missed a lot.
She might be remembered for her musical talent for singing in the school choir, playing the flute in the band and being in the musicals in high school. When Star Valley High did a production of Oklahoma, she got the part where she had to kiss a boy on stage. That caused a stir!
She might be remembered for being a Pep Star, Prancer, (their day equivalent of Brave Cadettes), and being honored as Miss SVHS her Junior Year. That honor was elected by her classmates as one who they thought represented the school best through kindness, courtesy, school activity and service.
She might be remembered for not always being a good influence. She loved to go shopping, didn’t matter what for. If you needed new shoes, she would say, “Let’s go shopping.” A new car, “Let’s go shopping.” We have been having some trouble with our side-by-side lately, and her solution was, “OK, Let’s go Shopping! There is a new Talon in Mesquite, let’s go look! Why don’t you get a 4 seat General, let’s go look!” She loved shiny new trucks – didn’t care much for cars, but really liked trucks.
She might be remembered for hardly ever missing an episode of “Days of Our Lives, “Young and the Restless” and she loved “The Curse of Oak Island.” “Fox News” became her entertainment during the past election season. Trump all the way! She liked to read CJ Box Books, about church history, aliens, and family histories.
She might be remembered for how tough she was. She had a ruptured appendix at age three or four. It ruptured because she didn’t tell Mom she was in pain. She gave birth without drugs, had knee replacement surgery on one knee on Thursday and then on the other one the next Monday. She was Strong and Brave.
She might be remembered for her adventurous spirit. She was up for anything, be it traveling the world with Karen to visit Calee in Washington D.C., Italy, Kansas or Hawaii. She loved to boogie board in the ocean. She loved floating down Sheep Creek on an air mattress, nothing less,and she loved lounging in Waterdog Lake. She loved driving in the mountains with Kirby, hunting, fishing, camping on Greys River and exploring the world.
She might be remembered for her sense of humor. Becky can still hear her laugh.
She will be remember most for her hands. Her hands weren’t the long beautiful fingers, manicured and painted every week and decorated for the seasons of the year that you see in magazines. Her hands were the ones that Kirby fell in love with way back in high school. Their “Best Friendship” has been going on for about 50 years. They did everything together,
Her hands were the ones Deanne remembers rubbing lotion on squirming, laughing, chubby little babies she loved so much. Deanne would watch her do that and this is what made her want to be a mom someday. Kirby held those hands on the alter in the Idaho Falls Temple when they were sealed for time and all eternity. With Joe and Calee kneeling at their side, they became a forever family. Will was added to that forever family when he was born through the covenants they made that day.
Her hands took care of all the little kids at Osmond Elementary as they came through the lunch line. Deanne had the chance to visit her at the school a few times when she was serving and she spoke to each child as if they were her best friend. She has told Deanne that sometimes she might run in to those grown up kids at the store years later and they would recognize her and say, ‘Mrs. Booth, you made the best lunches.’ She enjoyed that.
Her hands will be remembered for how very talented she was. She was the crafter extraordinaire. She made dolls, quilts, cards, scrapbooks and wall art. You name it, she could make it – usually without a pattern. Sammy remembers painting rocks that they would pick out of the driveway. They would turn the rocks into beautiful animal art. She was working on gnome dolls these past few weeks for Joe’s birthday. She made an advent calendar that was passed down to Joanne’s kids. Everyone cherished her handmade creations. It was a little harder to make things lately because of the arthritis in her hands. She especially loved to make Christmas things. She loved Christmas. Everyone remembers her Christmas village with her train. Her Grandkids remember knowing where the presents were hidden. They were in the closet upstairs. It was her hands that organized our family Christmas Eve party every year. So much fun! We all got together at the Booth house or at the school when our numbers got too many, played games, ate good food and shared presents. She made a Nativity puppet set that all the kids used to put on a show each year. These beautiful puppets were used to remind us of our Savior’s birth. This tradition was one that the kids really loved and we hold these puppets very dear to our hearts.
Trisha’s hands fixed our mother’s hair every week for years after her stroke. Knowing how important it was to our Mom that her hair looked nice, Trisha would drive to Thayne to fix mom’s hair when she was at Legacy. After we brought Mom back to Afton, this act of love continued the remainder of Mom’s life.
Her hands will be remembered for the many times she got their trailer ready for camping up her beloved Grey’s River. They will be remembered for all the meals she cooked in a Dutch oven. Her hands will be remembered for holding her binoculars scanning the mountain side for elk or deer and thinking she spotted something only to have Kirby say, “That’s a bush,Trisha!”
Trish is survived by her husband, three children, five grandchildren, and one great- grandchild that is now in a better place. She is with Mom and Dad and Fred, Grandpa Cal and Kelly hopefully not causing problems. A Forever family- that’s what we are.