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KICK IT OR KEEP IT: “Waitin’ for the Weekend” by Jamie Hansen

A new country song from a Wyoming artist is up for vote in this week’s Kick It or Keep It.

Jamie Hansen of Laramie, Wyoming released “Waitin’ for the Weekend” on Friday, August 13. If the song is kept it would be the second single of Hansen’s added to The Spur’s playlist. Her song “Somewhere In Wyoming” was added in July of this year.

Hansen said, “I wrote the song a few years back, as I was waiting for my friend to pick me up for a summer camping trip. We were going up to a spot in the Wheatland Canyon outside of Laramie, Wyoming, where you can cliff jump, which I had never done before, and we were going to fish and grill and camp there. As I was waiting, I got a little antsy and bored, so I broke out my guitar. I had been struggling to write songs on the guitar, as well as more upbeat songs, but this one just flowed right out.” She continues, “As a writer, I specialize in making people feel deeply. This song was a break from that. When I play this song, I simply want to have fun and I think that’s something we all need from time to time.”

If you like the song vote to keep it. If you don’t like the song vote to kick it. Vote by texting 307-203-4637. Voting ends at 12:00 noon on Monday, August 16.

Let us know what you think!