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Kleins leave fond memories and cherished relationships

After serving as Principal at Etna Elementary school for 10 years, Keith Klein is leaving Star Valley. His resignation was accepted by the School Board of Lincoln County School District No. 2 in the School Board Meeting on March 8, 2023.

Keith and his wife, Barb, who has served as a teacher with LCSD No. 2 for those ten years, have enthusiastically served children and their families in the district with consistency and effectiveness. Their students have felt their love and have loved them in return.

Keith and Barb Klein have accepted positions with a school district in Utah where they will continue their tradition of forging strong personal bonds and inspiring students to greater academic and social success.

The Klein’s were drawn to Star Valley by it’s beauty and the quality education system offered here. They recognized that LCSD No. 2 offered excellent support for the teaching and learning processes.

In an interview with SVI News, Keith discussed the Kleins’ new direction with heaviness in his heart, but hope for a bright future. “A new challenge is something that always intrigues me, and I see this as an opportunity to grow.” The couple are taking their instructional and administrative knowledge to Utah, where they plan to continue influencing students and families for good. “There are some things about the Utah system that I see as advantageous in terms of my ability to affect students.”

Weather has also been a significant variable in the decision to move. “I am also getting old and moving snow at 5:15 in the morning for what seems like six months a year has me a bit weary. Getting old also means that retirement is a consideration and our Utah retirement will be greatly enhanced by returning to Utah since salaries have dramatically increased since we left.”

Fond memories and a grandson who lives in Star Valley will keep a portion of their hearts here and will bring them back for frequent visits. Keith has cherished memories of “pivotal interactions” with students that inspired significant growth and productive choices in “their academic or emotional and social advancement…Fortunately, over a ten year span, I was able to have many of these interactions.”

The beginning and ending of each school year has afforded “interactions that were meaningful in terms of relationship development.” With enriching activities such as Mastery Camp and 6th grade ski trips, as well as Field Day activities, performances and celebrations of academic and social achievement, school activities and programs fostered opportunities to bond with students and staff in ways that had a positive impact on everyone involved. “We do a great deal to enhance and enrich

the lives of students in LCSD No. 2, and it has been fun to be a part of those things.”

Principals have a unique opportunity to view the work that is lovingly offered by teachers and staff in schools. “Co-laboring with staff who deeply care about students and their learning has been a favorite part of my tenure and I get to do it every day.  I have also been able to be a part of hiring tremendous people who work incredibly hard to do their best for students.”

Though people and places come and go in life, people are absolutely the part of Star Valley that Keith will miss the mostHis relationships with “colleagues, staff, parents and students are difficult to leave.” He will miss providing quality and excellence to students and to adults in his building. “Our funding system [at LCSD No. 2] is premier.” Not many school districts are able to offer what Star Valley and Cokeville residents enjoy through the public school system.

“The beauty of this valley cannot be matched.” And that beauty includes the people as well as the surroundings. “We have an amazing church family that we will miss as they have been a fabric we have been woven into. These places and people, as well as their grandson, “will be extremely difficult to drive away from, but will bring us back” as often as possible.

“We have been welcomed, included, and supported by so many people in this valley and we are grateful to everyone for ten years of happiness and wonder,” Keith concluded. “We would love to maintain our relationships to the greatest degree possible. It is hard to leave a place where you believe you make a difference and are respected and appreciated by so many.”

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