Members of the board of trustees for Lincoln County School District No. 2 held their regular meeting on July 10. These are some items that were part of that meeting.
District accountant, JC Inskeep addressed the board stating that all items are within budget and within cost measurements which have been reported all year. They are looking forward to closing the books on the fiscal year.
Chairman Simpson addressed those in attendance and reiterated that there are four school board positions that will be up for election this fall. Area 1, which is in the far south of the district currently represented by Lenn Johnson. Area 3 which represents much of the middle part of the district and currently represented by Jed Johnson. Area 4 near Freedom and is currently held by Darnell Simpson. Finally, the at-large board seat held currently by Homer Bennett is also up for election. Mr. Simpson informed those at the meeting that the filing period for candidates to run for those positions is August 7 through August 26.
Warren Hicks addressed the board with a facilities update where he stated that the track resurfacing at SVHS is mostly done. Work on the turf field installation is waiting on drainage with curbing yet to come. The new bleachers at Braves Field will be arriving on July 22, and constructed on the newly finished 60-yard concrete pad.
The Osmond Elementary swings are being installed with concrete completed and wood chips now being laid down.
The Cokeville High School roof is in the final phase with crews working on the high areas above the auditorium and the stage. Hicks reported that the project is 50-percent completed and should be finished by the start of the school year.
Hicks reported there are multiple projects underway including the SVHS art room remodel, district wide carpet, district wide paint, district wide concrete, LED lighting retrofits at SVHS, SVMS restroom stall replacements, SVMS lockers, SVHS restroom renovations, district wide parking lot sealcoat, CHS flooring replacement and a SCHS additional food service freezer.
He also reported that the normal SVHS gym floor refinish will not take place this year due to contractor illness and will be rescheduled for next summer.
Board member Dave Jenkins inquired as to the old bleachers removed from SVHS and their potential to be repurposed. Mr. Hicks reported that they had been deemed unsafe and hauled away for disposal. In answering questions of size for the new bleachers, they will be two rows higher and add approximately 30 feet in length to each end.
The board then approved the bus routes for the upcoming school year as well as the purchase of boiler controls for the SVHS heating system.
The 2024-25 budget was approved.
The board approved a letter from LCSD No. 2 showing support for the proposal of a charter school in Alpine addressed to the Wyoming Charter School Authorizing Board.
Mr. Jason Horsley was asked to give preliminary details of the accreditation process for LCSD No. 2 which will take place in the fall of 2025. This process takes place every five years. Horsley informed the board that the district uses the school year prior to accreditation to collaborate with other districts to address potential items of attention for this process and that that preparation would take place over this upcoming school year in various ways.
The next board meeting is scheduled for August 14.