In a letter preceding the semi-annual conference which will take place later this month, the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints noted a few changes to the baptism procedure.
“I testify of the importance of the work that the Lord has entrusted to each of us,” said Church President Russell M. Nelson. “He has prepared us to serve at this time, and He will continue to help and sustain us as we seek to build up His kingdom on earth.”
President Nelson then announced a change in the Church’s policy related to witnesses who participate in baptisms in local congregations and in temple work.
- Any baptized member of the Church may serve as a witness of the baptism of a living person. This change pertains to all baptisms outside the temple.
- A proxy baptism for a deceased person may be witnessed by anyone holding a current temple recommend, including a limited-use temple recommend.
- Any endowed member with a current temple recommend may serve as a witness to sealing ordinances, living and proxy.
Previously the part of a witness had to be a priesthood holder within the church.
“Obedience to sacred temple covenants is essential for us to qualify for eternal life—the greatest gift of God to His children,” President Nelson taught. “As leaders in the Lord’s Church, we need to understand the eternal truths taught in the temple. We need to know the importance of and the difference between sacred covenants, ordinances and procedures.”
Using both historic and recent changes to temple ordinances and procedures to illustrate this point, President Nelson said that “any adjustments made to ordinances and/or procedures do not change the sacred nature of the covenants being made. Adjustments allow for covenants to be planted in the hearts of people living in different times and circumstances.”
Quoting a prophecy from President Wilford Woodruff, the fourth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Nelson said: “We have not gotten through with revelation. … President [Brigham] Young, who followed Joseph Smith … organized these temples and carried out the purposes of his calling and office. … He accomplished all that God required at his hands. But he did not receive all the revelations that belong to this work; neither did President Taylor, nor has Wilford Woodruff. There will be no end to this work until it is perfected.”