• Over 30 dogs need homes.
Animal Humane Association of Star Valley is hosting an Animal Adoption Fair through Lucky’s Place this Saturday, June 8 from 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. on the lawns east of the exhibit buildings at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds in Afton. A selection of dogs will be on-site for guests to meet, and officials will also have a catalog of other animals that are looking for new homes.
Lucky’s volunteers plan to present six dogs as they meet the public. Guests will be able to spend a reasonable amount of time with each dog to learn about them and about the adoption process.
Food trucks, raffle items, and other fun activities will allow guests to take their time getting to know the dogs and enjoying some lunch.
With changes in household income, inflation, and housing availability, families are feeling the crunch as they try to stretch their pennies to include pet care. “We have so many dogs coming in because people are having to move, and their new apartments are not allowing dogs,” said Maryanne Ahrens, who serves as an administrator at Lucky’s Place in Thayne, in an interview with SVI Media last week. “Some people are living in their cars, and they have to bring their dog in. I’ve done this for over 20 years, and I would say this has been the roughest year yet with dogs coming in and not going out. The adoptions are way down, and the surrenders are way up. It’s been a tough year and it’s that way all over the United States.”
Like all family expenses, costs to keep and care for pets have skyrocketed. Ahrens mentioned the increasing cost of veterinary services and quality feed. Loving families are having a difficult time being able to feed everyone in the household, pets included.
Ahrens asks that guests leave their own dogs at home as a safety precaution. The shelter dogs are sometimes unprepared for the behavior of dogs that visit events, and this can create problems between animals and a liability concern for Lucky’s.
“I’m going to have an iPad where we have a record of every dog that we have, and we have about 30 dogs right now,” said Ahrens. “People can go through and look at that. If they’re interested in any of the dogs at Lucky’s, we’ll help them meet and get to know one another.”
Lucky’s volunteers and dogs will remain at the fairgrounds as long as the dogs can tolerate the experience. They may finish as early as 2 or 2:30, or they may be able to last until 4. It depends on how long we can keep the dogs contained and content.”
Advocating for pets in Star Valley has been Ahrens for two decades, and she in converted to her mission. “Rescuing is the best thing. Give these animals a chance. They all want to please. They really want to please you. When you come in and you look at the dogs, take a dog and take him for a walk for an hour or two. They’ll be a totally different dog. You’ll see their personality better. Adopt. Don’t shop.
Every pet at Lucky’s Place can be previewed at www.luckys.place or at petfinder.com.