LYMAN (WNE) — If you’re planning to leave your camper or RV for a few days to reserve a good camping spot near the shoreline of Flaming Gorge, beware water levels at the reservoir are currently up over eight feet from one year ago.
A high amount of mountain snowmelt runoff, increased outflows upstream from Fontenelle Reservoir, and decreased outflows at the Gorge itself have raised water levels nearly three feet during the first 14 days of June.
Sheriff’s office spokesperson Jason Mower said, “Obviously, if the water gets too high and you’re parked too close to the shoreline, at the very least, you’re risking water damage to your camper or other property. We just want people to be aware and be smart about the rising water levels.”
Unless otherwise posted, Mower said, dispersed camping regulations on most BLM Wyoming-administered public land, including around the Gorge, allows for a 14-day occupancy limit within a 28-day period.
The 14-day limit is reached either through several separate visits, or 14 days of continuous occupancy during the 28-day period.
Campers may leave their personal property unattended for up to 72 hours, but the length of time property is left unattended also counts toward the 14-day camping limit.
After 14 days, campers must then move outside of a five-mile radius from their previous location.
For more details on recreating on public lands in Wyoming, please visit the BLM’s website at blm.gov/wyoming.
For the latest updates on water levels at Flaming Gorge, please visit its water database website at flaminggorge.water-data.com.