• Farmer’s Market returning
Summer improvement projects continue at Star Valley Ranch.
• Bramble Berrry Road will be repaved. “It’s a busy part of town, lot’s of families and commuters use it and now they have a nice road to drive on,” said Mayor Kathleen Buyers.
The mayor noted other roads in the community will go through minor repairs.
A second entrance to the Ranch mail center will be added to help with traffic flow.
The center has about 900 boxes to serve Star Valley Ranch. Mail is still coordinated through the Thayne Post Office.
• Vista Drive will be under construction to accomadate water infrastructure improvements. The improvements address water leaks, while supporting 400 fire hydrants.
• Recent trail tours coordinated with the Forest Service have been offered this summer for the Green Canyon and Cedar Creek trails connected to the community.
• The mayor welcomed town residents to visit with her at the “Coffee with the Mayor” program, held every second Tuesday at 9 a.m., the same day as town council meetings. “This is a time when we can work through any concerns,” she said.
• Star Valley Ranch will bring the Farmer’s Market back called “The Ranch Rendezvous Market.” This will continue until mid-September. The event is coodinated through the Travel and Tourism Board.
• A two percent lodging tax will go on the next ballot. The funds come from the short term rentals offered at Star Valley Ranch.
• Fox Run Park has gone through a clean-up project, coordinated by the Natural Resources Board.