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Tim Hale

SVI Radio Interview: Tim Hale, LCSD2 Education Foundation

LCSD No. 2 Education Foundation rolls out the Star Valley College Gateway program

  • SVHS students can now earn an associate degree with their high school diploma. Lincoln County School District No. 2 Education Foundation is announcing the Star Valley College Gateway, which is being implemented to provide increased concurrent enrollment courses…

Willy Wonka Jr opens this weekend at the Ford

Four performances run this weekend and next week. 60 local youth are participating in the Star Valley Arts Council second annual Children’s Summer Theatre Camp production of Willy Wonka Jr. where audiences can enjoy a delightful adaptation of Roald Dahl’s…

Hirschi elected Chairman of Lincoln County GOP

The Central Committee of the Lincoln County Republican Party, made up of 35 elected committeewomen and 35 elected committeemen, elected the executive committee officers for the party on Saturday, March 18. Wade Hirschi and Marti Halverson were both nominated for…

HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA! returns to Afton this weekend

◆ Doors open at 5:30 p.m. October 28 and 29. Star Valley’s second annual Halloween Extravaganza! is returning this weekend, Friday and Saturday, October 28 and 29 from 5:30 to 8:30 at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds in the exhibit halls…

Ford Theatre receives new, state-of- the-art sound and lighting systems

◆ SRAS plans to unveil the new systems at the Wayne Worthen concert on September 17, and the opera, “Tosca” on September 24. Salt River Arts Society (SRAS) and Star Valley Arts Council have collaborated to generate funding and labor…

BYU Living Legends brings rich native cultural entertainment to Star Valley

◆ Coming to SVHS Auditorium January 27. Star Valley Arts Council welcomes BYU Living Legends to the Star Valley High School Auditorium on January 27, at 7 p.m. Celebrating the native cultural heritage of North and South America and the…

Chamber of Commerce Highlight: Hale Financial Solutions

On the surface, financial planning sounds like a numbers thing. You take a paycheck, apply it to your budget, pay off debt, perhaps save a little. Maybe you plan for retirement. But for Tim Hale, financial and investment management is…

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World-class violinist, Jenny Oaks Baker, to perform in Star Valley

In a recent interview with SVI media, Star Valley Arts Director, Tim Hale, teased an outstanding artist coming to Star Valley soon. The tease was worth the wait. It’s Jenny Oaks Baker, world-renowned violinist and Grammy nominee performer. Baker is…

Hale outlines arts council upcoming events

◆ Amidst uncertainty, SV Arts Council is making plans. Tim Hale, representing the Star Valley Arts Council, visited with SVI radio host, Duke Dance, Wednesday morning to update the community on upcoming events. Hale explained that with Covid there is…