• Delivery of fresh, local meats are available valley-wide
Tylee Williams (owner) and her eight-year-old daughter Raegenn Williams of The Block spoke with SVI Media’s Duke Dance during the Weekday Wake-up show to discuss The Block’s new delivery service.
Williams has been running the business for seven years where they process local domestic and game animals. They also have products available for purchase including pork chops, bacon, sausage, eggs, steaks, dry-aged meats, chicken, burger and more–all fresh-frozen after processing and “right from your neighbor,” shared Williams.
Reagenn helps care for their 35 chickens where she collects two cartons of eggs every day, cleans and then packages them. She also enjoys helping her family deliver the fresh eggs.
The family business came with some learning curves and Williams shared “We come from a family that has a hard work ethic.” The team and family behind The Block are what keeps the business going.
“The valley is growing and not a lot of people know that we are in Thayne, Wyoming.” Having the delivery service available from Alpine to Smoot alleviates the need for customers to come to the store to pick up the high-quality proteins they want.
“I appreciate the whole community in getting through all this,” shared Williams. “[I appreciate] all the feedback and all their help.”
The Block is currently asking community members to call to set up delivery options based on budget and need. The Block is currently working on an online order option for deliveries as well.
The Block can be reached at 307-883-2379 and community members can learn more at their website, StarValleyMeatBlock.com, where they explain, “Our goal is to continue processing wild game and custom processing livestock sold locally by local growers and ranchers while growing our USDA sales and online presence.”