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Headwaters district responds to scouting name change

• Karl Scherbel oversees local scouting unit.

The Boy Scouts of America is changing it’s name to Scouting America.

Organizers say the move reflects the organization’s ongoing commitment to welcome every youth and family in America to experience the benefits of Scouting.

The name change will go into effect February 8, 2025, which will be the same time scouting will celebrate their 115th anniversary.

Karl Scherbel oversees the  local scouting unit, No. 1307 called Prater Peak, Inc, a Wyoming non-profit 501(c)(3) organization

“Our local district is the Headwaters District which covers all of Star Valley, Jackson, and the Victor/Driggs area,” he explained in a statement for SVI Media. “We charter a cub scout family pack for boys and girls kindergarten through 5th grade and two troops – a boys troop and a girls troop, each with their own leadership and organization.”

As for the name change, Scherbel advised, “It does not change what Scouting does for people and I hope it encourages more people to join.

“The name change brings the movement in the United States up to speed with what Scouting is across the world: a global youth movement whose mission is to build friendships, experiences, and skills for life, shaping young people’s futures as active citizens.”

Scherbel referenced the vision of the founder of Scouting, Robert Baden-Powell, and said his statement is still valid: “Let us, therefore, in training our Scouts, keep the higher aims in the forefront, not let ourselves get too absorbed in the steps. Don’t let the technical outweigh the moral. Field efficiency, backwoodsmanship, camping, hiking, good turns, jamboree comradeship are all means, not the end. The end is character with a purpose. And that purpose, that the next generation may be sane in an insane world, and develop the higher realization of service, active service of love, and duty to God and neighbor.”

Scherbel said the scouting program has always been a part of his life. “I have been a Scout my entire life – quite literally, in fact.

“The summer after I was born was spent with my parents at scout camp. Coincidentally, my birthday is the same day as the official organization of the Scouting movement (although not during the same year).

“Except for two years as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I have been involved in Scouting. And even then I was not completely out of the Scouting influence – some of the areas of Colombia where I served the local church units were using Scouting for activities for their youth and I was called upon to assist in teaching skills.

“Much has been said by many regarding the organizational changes over the past decade and I am glad to be part of any organization of inclusion, Scouting among them.”

Scherbel concluded, “I have met and learned from people all over the world at jamborees and scout camps and have learned that we are all connected more by our similarities than our differences. I have interacted with people from many different faiths and backgrounds and have been inspired and uplifted by each of them.”

More than 130 million Americans have been through Scouting programs since its founding in 1910, and currently, more than 1 million youth, including both men and women, are served by 477,000 dedicated adult volunteers in local councils throughout the country. To date, more than 2.75 million youth have earned Scouting’s highest rank of Eagle Scout.

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