• Over 1500 auditions were submitted from schools throughout Wyoming
Forty-six Star Valley High School music students have qualified for Wyoming All-State Music Ensembles. These students are invited to participate in the All-State Conference in Cheyenne, January 20-21. Five of the senior musicians have qualified for All-State all four of their years in high school, and four of these students qualified for more than one ensemble.
Seniors Anson Robinson, Charlotte Crook, Anna Haderlie, Shay Frazier and Daphne Olsen are attending All-State for the fourth time, after qualifying every year of their high school experience. Crook, Haderlie and Olsen also submitted auditions and qualified for the choir and the orchestra. They must choose to perform during the conference with only one ensemble, but qualifying for both is uncommon, and “shows what amazing musicians they are,” said SVHS Choir Director Kari Allred in an email to SVI Media yesterday.
Senior flautist Shelby Kisling was selected for the All-State Concert Band, and sophomore alto saxist Markus Roberts was selected for the All State Jazz Band. “We are very proud of both students,” said Kurt Sand, SVHS Band Director. “They worked very hard to prepare successful auditions. Shelby secured a spot in the band out of over 80 other flute auditions. Markus secured one of just four alto sax positions available for All-State Jazz.”
Orchestra All-State qualifiers also include Evalyn Andrus, Lydia Clove, Ella Cranney, Ethan Eyre, Shay Frazier, Anna Haderlie, Brigham Hahn, Drew Hanberg, Madi Heiner, Matthew Knighton, Daphne Olsen, Sabrina Olsen, Hanne Opitz, Paxton Probst, Hunter Randall, Thomas Randall, Savanah Sloan, Kayli Staley, Landon Walker and Eliana-Joy Wescott.
Maya Allred, Ammon Baird, Olivia Burnham, Jonah Finch, Brock Haderlie, Luke Harris, Marc Harris, John Hellsten, Will Hinton, Hallie Hokanson, Peyton Hokanson, Bria Jack, Mary Johnson, Dylan Kallgren, Nellie Mayes, Emma Moreton, Clanci Osmond, Shae Peterson, Anson Robinson, Michelle Stucki, William Walker and Bridger Wolfley also qualified for the choir.
“This honor is a testament to their hard work, dedication and talent. Their commitment to excellence is inspiring and I am very proud of all my students,” said Choir Director Allred. “I want to say a huge thank you to the private voice teachers in the valley that also help these and other students be successful.”
“I am proud of all the students who auditioned,” said SVHS Orchestra Director, Lisa Barber. “Just going through the audition process is such a growing process for them. I am especially excited to have so many students accepted – it really speaks to the work ethic of our kids and the strength of our program. For several years now we have sent more students to all state orchestra than any other school in the state! I am so excited for our kids who made it to experience playing in a full symphony orchestra with winds, brass, and percussion! This is always an experience that grows even more passion and excitement for music.”