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Toolson joins Star Valley Ranch Council, Rok will be new mayor in February

The newly seated Star Valley Ranch Town Council on Tuesday, Jan. 7. SVI Photo/Dan Dockstader

The Town of Star Valley Ranch made administrative changes Tuesday, Jan. 7, swearing in newly elected Katie Toolson to the council at the same time administering the oath of office to re-elected Taylor Ellis.

Councilmember Ru Rok was chosen by the council to fill the seat that will be vacated by Mayor Kathleen Buyers. Buyers is moving from the community and Roc will become Star Valley Ranch Mayor on Feb. 4.

The Town of Star Valley Ranch is currently advertising the for interested individuals to apply for the seat that will become open on Feb. 4 when Roc becomes Mayor. This open Council position will be for a two-year term beginning February 4, 2025. Those interested can send a Letter of Interest to:

Town of Star Valley Ranch
171 Vista Drive #7007
Star Valley Ranch, WY 83127

Following the council meeting, SVI Media’s Dan Dockstader spoke with Rok about being appointed as the new mayor. The conversation can be found below, as well as a recording of the video broadcast of the full meeting.

Katie Toolson and Taylor Ellis take the oath of office for the Star Valley Ranch Town Council at a special meeting Jan. 7. SVI Photo/Dan Dockstader


Outgoing Mayor Kathleen Buyers signs the official documents for the oath of office. SVI Photo/Dan Dockstader


Star Valley Ranch Councilmember Ru Rok visits with members of the Star Valley Ranch Community at the special town council meeting Tuesday, Jan. 7. Rok will become Mayor Feb. 4. SVI Photo/Dan Dockstader
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