For Lindsey Hill, educating the public in heart saver first aid is a passion. And as the clinical educator with Star Valley Health, she takes that passion not only to healthcare professionals, but also to anyone in the community who will take the time to learn to save a life.
“We teach CPR classes in the community. This is heart saver first aid with CPR and AED (automated external defibrillator),” Hill told Duke Dance during a recent broadcast of Health Topics Tuesday for SVI Media. “These are classes for people who are in direct patient care.”
For example, she related there are home caregivers and daycare providers. In addition, businesses and even groups of four or more people can register for classes geared for adult care and classes geared for pediatric care.
“We do basic life support classes as well,” Hill said. “That’s CPR for healthcare professionals. We do that twice a month for our employees. And we let other people join those classes [from the community]. So if you’re a dental assistant or work at an assisted living you can come take those classes.”
Hill related that the classes are monthly, alternating between adult care and pediatric care.
“We teach every [Star Valley Health] employee CPR,” she explained. “Every employee takes basic life support. If they aren’t involved in healthcare, like housekeeping, business and dietary, they take health saver CPR and AED. All of our acute care nurses and physicians, we train them in advanced and cardiac life support along with pediatric advanced life support along with the neonatal resuscitation program.”
To sign up for classes, whether you’re involved in healthcare or you just want to be prepared in case of emergencies, contact the education department at Star Valley Health or see classes listed at starvalleyhealth.org. Click on Events and Education and then Class Registration.