◆ Cynthia Merritt works in Special Education at Star Valley Middle School.

Cynthia Merritt serves the students at Star Valley Middle School as a Special Education Teacher. Merritt has been an educator for 15 years, with nine years as a paraprofessional at Osmond Elementary and six years in her current position at SVMS.
Before choosing education as a career, Merritt was taking general courses through Western Wyoming Community College. While working within the Special Education Program at OES, Merritt recognized what she wanted to do.
“I like learning and being with children,” said Merritt. “When I saw they were advertising for paraprofessionals to work in special education, I thought I would try it to see if this might be something I would enjoy…and I loved it!”
Having chosen special education as a career, Merritt determined that she would like to work with children of all ages, so she chose to certify in both Special Education K-12 and Elementary K-6.
“I believe that every teacher a student comes into contact with helps shape who they are and can make a difference,” said Merritt. “I had a student who [I taught] in school that came back years later and wrote a nice message on my board. Although I have made some great connections and care deeply for my students, I am not the only one who has made an impact on their lives. As students move through the education system, there are multiple people who can claim to have made a difference in their lives – from teachers to administrators, cooks, paraprofessionals, librarians, bus drivers, secretaries, and custodians.”
Merritt plans to spend the remainder of her career here in LCSD2, after which, she hopes to travel a little and spend time with her family.
“We are making extra effort at this time to make personal contact with every student and their parents to ensure student and family welfare, that they have what they need, and to support learning opportunities,” said Merritt. “This is a time when teachers have more responsibility placed on them than ever before, even before this quarantine situation. Teachers have worked together to meet student needs in a way that is different than in the past. Again, teachers are aware that social-emotional needs should be addressed before academic needs can be met. I feel like we have been supported by our school board, superintendent, administrators, and community. Everyone is figuring this out together and have been supportive during this time. As we move forward during these unique learning opportunities, let’s continue to stay positive and realize everyone is doing the best they can.”