Drew Hathaway is the new science teacher at Swift Creek High School. He was born and raised in Star Valley. After completing his degree at the University of Wyoming in 2016, he taught in Dubois, Wyoming for three years, and has now returned to Star Valley.
Drew has many pleasant memories of childhood in Star Valley. He spent summers playing on land and in creeks barefoot, moving sprinkler pipe, fixing fence, and hauling hay. He enjoyed jumping from the Grover bridge and riding four-wheelers with his brother and friends. He always looked forward to hunting season.
“In winter, I would ski in Cokeville most Saturdays, occasionally ride snowmobiles with friends, and during the week would have regular hockey games with friends at the ice-skating rink in the rodeo arena” said Drew. “When spring arrived, I would begin playing soccer at SVHS. I played all 4 years of high school and loved it.”
Hathaway met his wife, Shay, while attending UW. Shay is from Riverton, WY and transferred to UW after playing 2 years of women’s basketball at Central Wyoming College and serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
“I made it a point to hurry and ask her out before anyone else had the chance, and I managed to get her to stay with me somehow,” said Drew. “She has a degree in Business Administration, but after our oldest child learned to crawl, she decided to put a hold on working full-time to be a full-time mom.”
Shay is also in her fifth year coaching basketball with the Lady Braves coaching staff. Drew and Shay have an active 3-year-old son and a 4-month-old baby girl who keep her very busy.
Drew’s father, Zane, taught for LCSD2 at Osmond Elementary for many years and, though he is now retired, is still recognized throughout the community as a legendary educator.
“Growing up with a parent working as an educator, I got to see first-hand the excellent family lifestyle and opportunities this profession can provide,” said Drew. “I didn’t always want to follow in my dad’s professional footsteps. I wanted to go out and make my own path doing something different, even though I was regularly told that I should be a teacher. However, when it came down to selecting my career path, I stuck with my strengths and what I knew would provide the lifestyle I want for myself and my family and became a teacher.”
As a student in LCSD2, Drew had very positive experiences and was involved in purposeful and rewarding activities as he completed his elementary and secondary educations here. He also spent significant time employed in the trades industry and enjoyed his time there.
“I love the hands-on aspect of that kind of work and take pride in seeing a completed project,” said Drew. “There’s a lot of analytical thinking, problem solving, and ingenuity that goes into those trades. However, in the end, it’s about the relationships built and getting to know the students and people in the community that make me want to be a teacher. It’s the everyday smiles, the student who hangs around after class to tell you about the adventure they had over the weekend, or the child who goes out of their way to tell you they enjoy your class. That’s what keeps me going. I’m not a teacher for the salary or anything like that. There are other ways I can make money. I am a teacher because I value the relationships I have with the people I work with and any impact I may have on my students that helps them value their time here or prepare them for making decisions about their future.”
Drew looks forward to teaching here, living in Star Valley with family and friends in a great community. He’s right where he wants to be and plans to continue improving his teaching skills and working to become the best teacher he can be.
“Outside of school, my family is my number one priority, said Drew. “So, playing with and raising kids, and supporting my wife in her coaching and future career endeavors are my other goals. I am very impressed with the support I have seen so far from my co-workers, my school administrators, the district personnel, parents and students. It has been a great experience so far and I know it will continue to be for years to come.”