◆ Night work on the bridge gets underway near Jackson.
Provided by WYDOT
The Wyoming Department of Transportation, along with contract crews from Reiman Corp. began work on the Snake River Bridge near Jackson this week. All the work on the Snake River Bridge will take place at night, from 8:30 p.m. to 6 a.m., for roughly a week.
Crews will close one lane of traffic at night to perform the work. Drivers can expect to see flagger-controlled traffic delays beginning 8:30 p.m. each night until 10 p.m., at which time traffic will be controlled by the temporary signals currently in place. Traffic will be controlled by the signals until 5 a.m. and traffic may see flagger-controlled delays again until 6 a.m.
After a safety inspection earlier this year, the bridge was subject to modified load limitations for trucks. The work taking place next week will allow the bridge to return to its unrestricted condition prior to the inspection until its replacement in 2023. After the work is completed, all posted restrictions will be lifted.
The Snake River Bridge and the WYO 390 intersection are currently in the planning phases of construction and are set for reconstruction starting in spring of 2023.
WYDOT would like to remind drivers to obey all roadside signs, traffic control devices and closures.
For more information on highway load restrictions, visit: http://www.wyoroad.info/Highway/Restrictions.html.