The ability to manage multiple projects and willingness to help others prompted the University of Wyoming Extension’s Lincoln-Afton county office associate to receive the organization’s top staff honor for 2020.
Jill Hubbard is extension’s Administrative Professional of the Year Award recipient.
Hubbard has served as a UW Extension office associate for over 20 years, hosted the Extension Secretary Conference – A Professional Event (ESCAPE) training for office associates twice and attended 18 ESCAPE trainings.
“Jill has been a tremendous resource for many of my questions and concerns regarding paperwork, technical issues, available resources and much more,” said Shelley Balls, Lincoln-Afton county nutrition and food safety and Cent$ible Nutrition Program educator. “She plays a huge role in our extension office, and we are both lucky and grateful to have her with us.”
Suzy Holmes, Uinta County extension office administrative assistant, commended Hubbard for her willingness to help others and her ability to manage multiple, large tasks like planning ESACPE conferences and maintaining her office in a one-secretary office.
“Jill has a happy personality that makes everyone she encounters feel as if they are the most important thing right then and no matter the request. It is never an inconvenience,” said Holmes.
Shar Perry, Lincoln-Afton county 4-H Extension educator, shared that Hubbard has been an important asset to their office.
“She truly wants UW Extension and others to be successful,” said Perry.