◆ Shaw encourages government-minded youth to explore the opportunity of serving.
U.S. Government classes at Star Valley High School make for interesting study, but Faith Shaw, a senior at SVHS, took her study beyond the classroom. Shaw chose to serve as a Senate Page during the 2022 Wyoming Legislative Session.
February 14 through February 25, Shaw spent her day running errands for Senators and their staff, managing paperwork, making copies, delivering correspondence and learning about the legislative process.
“What an awesome opportunity and experience it was,” exclaimed Shaw in an interview with SVI. “I learned a lot and got to see a lot of things that I don’t think a lot of people get to see. It was super interesting to experience that. It was a good learning opportunity.”
Working with the entire senate staff, including Senate President Dan Dockstader, gave Shaw first-hand exposure to the rigorous service that legislators invest in their work.
“I was surprised by all of the work and hours that the senators put into their bills that they present,” Shaw said. “They are there sometimes as early as 6 a.m. and sometimes sessions don’t get out until 8 at night. They are there for a really long time. I had assumed that it was like a nine to five job. They put in a lot of time. I was really impressed and surprised by all the time they put in.”
Attending Girl’s State launched Shaw into the opportunity. While at the Girl’s State event, Shaw was introduced to the idea through a junior counselor who had served as a page. She left a note at President Dockstader’s desk, indicating her interest in the opportunity, and received the appointment as Senate Page a few months later.
The legislative process came alive for Shaw as she observed the work being done and participated each day. “It definitely showed me a new way to look at issues. Senators are always facing conflict. It definitely taught me a better way to think. It taught me how to think instead of what to think. It taught me how to develop me own opinions.”
Shaw encourages government-minded youth to explore the opportunity of serving as a Senate Page. “I would say definitely go to Girl’s State. I would encourage everyone to learn more about their government and how it works, because I feel like that’s very important as a citizen to understand your legislature and contact senators who live in your area about serving.”